Thursday, September 20, 2007

Laughter Therapy

The subject of this YouTube video caught my attention:

Alternating between long, medium, and close-up shots, the frames showcase people in a room laughing, led by an instructor. A voiceover by a newscaster explains the situation: it's laughter therapy. Audio evidence of the therapy echos throughout the segment. Frequent use of pan shot displays the entire room and the extent to which the contagion has occured. I like this idea.


Denise said...

I liked how the camera continued to back up and show how so many people could affect each other and how contagious the laughter was. I thought the camera angles used made things look a little crazy and out of control, which goes right along with laughing hysterically and not being able to stop. Good choice.

Rick said...

Katie, good analysis of how audiences are positioned by the camera from initially not knowing what's going on to then catching on to what's happening--through how the camera keeps providing a larger view of the audience. What's important here is focusing on the purpose for using camera shots.

If you want to embed a video itself from YouTube, you can do so by going to HTML edit, selecting the video insert option, finding the "embed" code in the box under the URL, and copying and pasting that code into the video insert box. You then need to check to make sure that any "autoplay"="true" is changed to "false" otherwise the video starts up playing when you open up your blog.